Pinned Info

When channels you follow go live, get notifications on your computer within the minute, with this fresh-from-the-software-mines pre-beta quality software!


Windows 64-bit latest build [installer] [zip] (these links always point to the latest successful build)
Mac (27 February 2017)

It's open source! See the twitch-notifier-go (Go) and twitch-notifier (Python) projects on GitHub to get the source code or contribute or report bugs.

Hit me up on twitter for feedback or questions or help or to send me pictures of your dog or tell me about your day! If you want to know the future of twitch-notifier (existence of a future for humanity not guaranteed) take a look at my twitch-notifier-go black hole for tasks on Trello

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Howdy folks!

delta__vee here. I'm spinning up a quick blog for my twitch notifiers since it's awkward to update the README for every update.

To recap, I have created a program to give desktop notifications when streams go online; actually two programs: the current one in the Go language (see also the original one in Python.)

These are not really release quality yet, however I created them for my own personal use on Windows and I'm fixing bugs that will affect me as I find them, so if you try them out and run into issues feel free to fire me a tweet or create a New Issue in the Github project.

The Go version is more likely to be actively maintained going forward, however the Python one is still around for the moment as the Go one is missing some features (e.g. idle timeout and lock screen detection) and is a little flakier at the moment.

Recent changes:

  • Go version
    • Copes better with network errors -- Previously the app just exited whenever it got an HTTP error.  Now, for the followed streams request (the 60 second updates), if it gets an HTTP error it retries, and if it gets an error again it processes the partial response (if any) and then waits for the next 60 second poll to retry.  This isn't fully tested yet, but is already getting past the odd 5xx error we get every few hours.
    • Login support -- Added web-based login to Twitch within the app, and included the changes to scopes needed to avoid the 401 Unauthorized errors that the 60 second requests were sometimes getting
    • Mac support -- The app now builds and run on macOS, after a fashion. The notification library I'm using is kind of an ugly hack, but it gets the job done. No correct Mac menus yet. I've set up the Travis CI job to also build and test on macOS. It hasn't run successfully yet, but considering how flaky the Travis Linux build/test is, that doesn't say much.  I need to figure out somewhere I can put up code-signed builds of this for people to try out
  • Python version
    • Made the scope changes required for followed streams request, as for the Go version
    • Now, like the Go version, the app refreshes the layout when the streams go online/offline so that the online list doesn't have an unnecessary scroll bar

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